Learn to tell time with Time Math with voice instructions. Ideal for elementary school children.
- Speaks the time on launch.
- Lets you tap and drag to move the hour hand to set the time.
- Lets you tap and drag to move the minute hand to set the time.
- Learn to tell the hour.
- Learn to tell the minute.
- Learn to tell the hour and minute.
- Teaches how to set the hour and minute hands.
- Learn to step count in increments of 5, 10, 15, 30 minutes.
- Learn how the minute hand wraps round after 59 minutes.
- Learn how the hour hand wraps round after 12 oclock.
- Teaches how to add time.
- Teaches how to subtract time.
- Learn at your childs own pace without any pressure.
- 5 different levels of difficulty per lesson topic.
- From the developers of the award winning Coin Math app!